Saturday, September 13, 2008

1 + 1 = 2 then.... 2 + 2 = 4!

Welcome to the first post of my crafting blog! I wanted to keep my personal blog when I address the real craziness separate from the crafting. In the future, I want to have a fun productive crafting biz and this is the first step.

On this first post I want to share my first quilting blocks made for the Heartstrings Quilt Project. This is a prolific group of quilters who make string quilts for different charity groups. Right we are working on Quilts of Valor for member Alycia who has a goal of collecting 400 finished quilts to donate in 2009. I was a part of one quilt by donaitng a section, but now I want to try and make my own full top.

In September and October we are sewing green centered blocks. I had yet to sew a real string block, so last night I got down to business. I made 4 blocks then sewed them together... a start! Only 44 more to go!


Mary Johnson said...

They look great! I plan on getting back to my green blocks today and add a few more to my number!

Wonky Girl said...

Congrats on your new blog, I hope to start one soon. Good start on your blocks, you are ahead of me. So far I bought green center fabric and will sew full blast in Oct.

Lori in South Dakota said...

one strings leads to another leads to another........!!